
News — healthy eating

Weight Loss

Posted by Nutrition Works on

  As January ends, many of our New Years Resolutions have already burned-out.  Weight loss is one of the most popular New Year’s Resolutions.  It is up there with quitting smoking, financial planning, and going to the gym.  So why is it so hard to lose the extra weight?   There is a multitude of reasons for weight gain, however I usually like to start with diet.  My profession is centered around food.  I love food and that is probably why I decided to go into nutrition.   I also love biochemistry and investigating the root cause of an illness, but...

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Elizabeth's Thanksgiving Recipes

Posted by Nutrition Works on

Thanksgiving is by far my favorite holiday!  It is a time for family and good food.  Growing up, my mom would make a beautiful Thanksgiving dinner however, it always seemed to be a little on the brown side.  Meaning we had a luscious turkey, yams, white potatoes, corn, bread, and of course the stuffing.  There was very little green on our dinner table. As with most holidays, they can become a starch fest!  I became very interested in helping my mom out and making the dinner table a bit more colorful as well as nutritious!  To this day, I prepare...

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