
News — recipes

What’s the Deal with Paleo?

Posted by Nutrition Works on

We had such a great turn out both Monday and Thursday for our first Designer Diets Cooking Class. There were excellent questions and comments.  I want to thank you for those who came to the class. Our first class was all about the Paleo diet also known as the Caveman’s or Primal Diet.  This diet consists of whole food while omitting gluten and dairy.   Please check out the handout from the class for more information.  ​ Our next class will be the third Monday of April, April 18th at 6pm.  We will be discussing ways to clean up your gut...

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Elizabeth's Thanksgiving Recipes

Posted by Nutrition Works on

Thanksgiving is by far my favorite holiday!  It is a time for family and good food.  Growing up, my mom would make a beautiful Thanksgiving dinner however, it always seemed to be a little on the brown side.  Meaning we had a luscious turkey, yams, white potatoes, corn, bread, and of course the stuffing.  There was very little green on our dinner table. As with most holidays, they can become a starch fest!  I became very interested in helping my mom out and making the dinner table a bit more colorful as well as nutritious!  To this day, I prepare...

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