
New Cooking Classes at Nutrition Works

Posted by Nutrition Works on

We are excited to announce our new cooking classes offered at the Womelsdorf office.  Classes will be held the 3rd Monday of every month.  The topics will vary, but here is a short list.  


Topics   March- What’s the Deal with Paleo?

                April- Cleaning up your Gut & Digestive Health

                May- Eating for Thyroid and other Hormonal Health

                June- Is your Daily Diet the culprit of your fatigue?

                July- Creating a Healthy BBQ

                August- Healthy Kids lunches and snacks

                September- Enhancing the Immune system and Warding Off Coughs in the Kitchen

                October- Diabetes Awareness

                November- Bringing Healthy Ideas to the Holiday Table

                December- How to bake for gluten free or dairy free, even vegan

These cooking classes are meant to be fun and full of great tips.  Healthy eating starts in your kitchen but that does not mean that you have to slave away in the kitchen all day to prepare a healthy dinner for you and your family.  I will teach you tips and tricks to help you with meal planning and getting around the kitchen. These recipe ideas will be quick ones that anyone can do in little time.  I am not a gourmet chef, by all means, however I have picked up some things along the way.  Over time I became comfortable in the kitchen and using different foods and spices, and I am excited to teach others cooking ideas.  Please call the office at 610-589-5182 to sign up for the class.  Spaces are limited so call now!  


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